Monday, 21 April 2014

Zach Anner - Motivation Inspiration

We all (unfortunately) have those days, weeks and sometimes even months of subdued attitudes and outlooks to everyday life. It's normal for moods to ebb and flow, fluctuate and calm, but sometimes it can be overwhelming to find yourself feeling stuck in a rut of the same repetitive routine scattered with stress, anxiety and uncertainty.

From the last few weeks I have learnt that if and when you respect the vessel that propels you from A to B - you will be rewarded. You simply cannot treat old habits, outlooks and perspectives like your favourite jumper; it's a part of you but it's wearing thin at the elbows doesn't really fit any more but you just don't have the heart to throw it out. All that is required is an open mind and an open heart to allow the growth process to take effect.

Zach Anner is one of the most inspirational people I have ever seen and I am absolutely fascinated by his attitude and response to his disabling condition of cerebral palsy. Zach's youtube features videos such as Work Out Wednesdays - Zach puts so much effort into doing simple tasks like just getting out of his wheel chair or taking a few steps with little help, all whilst speaking words of motivation voiced through sarcasm and satire of his own condition.

"Don't focus on your limitations. Stevie Wonder was blind but did he ever write a song about it? No."

The underlying moral is as cheesy as it is - your outlook on today, tomorrow and even yesterday is crucial to attitude to everything you do. 

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